Heritage Train Tour Leaders Q & A with Graeme Hind

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself? 

Originally from Sydney, but a resident of the Albury area in southern NSW for the past 30 years. In between, I’ve lived in South Africa, Canada, various stints in Tasmania, and a number of places around rural NSW including Menindee, and Mudgee, where I first bumped into Scott McGregor. My working life began with an electrical trade before moving to South Africa to get experience as a steam locomotive fireman. On returning to Australia, I began working on dam construction and over the next 30 years was involved at many levels of water resource and asset management in the Murray Darling Basin. More recently I work part time in asset management and occasionally driving trains. I’m the father of two wonderful adult children who thankfully are smarter and better looking than their father!   

  1. What attracted you to the love of train travel?

As a young boy in Sydney in the 1960s, I witnessed the end of steam on the railways of NSW and was lucky enough to have ridden in the cabs of engines with crews who would let me swing the shovel. This led to a lifelong love of steam. I am heavily involved in the rail preservation scene in Australia, as a driver and trainer/assessor of aspiring next generation steam loco drivers. It also inspired me to travel the world, seeking the last gasps of steam traction. I’ve travelled extensively on the rail systems of all continents except South America, and have driven trains countless times, albeit unofficially, in most places! I always say that the only way to make a train journey better is if you’re the driver!  

  1. Favourite country in the world, and why?

That’s an impossible one to answer. I’m fond of so many countries, but I’ve got to say Australia. Within our borders are some truly amazing places, so many unspoilt vistas, and so many experiences to be had. But looking further afield, I do have a big soft spot for South Africa. Italy, Sweden, the Isle of Man also get an honourable mention, as does NZ.

  1. Where haven’t you visited but is on the bucket list?

I’m keen to travel by train through Russia and some of the former Soviet Republics, as well as Iran. But alas may have to wait a while before either becomes practical. 

  1. How long have you worked with Railway Adventures?

I’m very new to the Railway Adventures team, despite having first met Scott McGregor, about 35 years ago. A full-time career kept me busy until recent times before I had the opportunity to join the team. To date, I have led two tours and assisted on two others all in NSW and Victoria. 

  1. Your Favourite Railway Adventures Tour?

They have all been favourites! There is something very satisfying about showing a group of travellers new places and experiences that are almost in our backyard that you know very well. That said I’m looking forward to leading our Scandinavian tour in 2023.

  1. Your most memorable Railway Adventures Tour?

Every tour is memorable in its own way. I’ve just returned from our Victorian Rail Adventure, which was excellent, as was the NSW Outback tour two months ago where we had to dodge floods and road closures and mould the itinerary as we went. Quite a challenge! 

  1. What is your favourite international cuisine?

Another hard question. I think you can never go wrong with the Mediterranean influence. Italian home style, Greek seafood, or Turkish sweets. They are all superb. And call me old fashioned, but I love a good old Australian Roast Dinner!

  1. What are your top 5 packing essentials?

Results of prior research on where you’re headed, backup money, an enquiring mind, my Swiss army penknife, and a good sense of humour. 

  1. Tell us why you love your job

Travel is different things to different people. For me, a great trip is where you find yourself learning a lot about the places you go, and the people you meet. And there are always unexpected little joys and genuine experiences that happen from time to time when you least expect them. I think the style of the tour that Railway Adventures put together creates opportunities for those learnings and experiences to happen. And as a tour leader, being able to share this is ‘why I love my job’.

Scott McGregor’s Railway Adventures tour is more than just a holiday, it is a unique way to experience the world. By train you are completely immersed in culture and adventure, exploring the most scenic corners of the world in the comfort of a luxury train. Whether you are an experienced traveller or just beginning to explore this wonderful world, Railway Adventures has something for everyone. Transform your holiday into the most unforgettable adventure of a lifetime with Railway Adventures.

1300 800 977 or email us at info@railwayadventures.com to request a brochure on our domestic tours in 2022 or visit our website to view all our tours.

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